Pepperoni Recipes

Calzone Servings: 2 Prep time: 20 min Cook time: 25 min Ingredients 350 gr pizza dough New Milano pepperoni, 1 stick 1 cup shredded mozzarella

Pepperoni Red Sauce for Spaghetti
Pepperoni Red Sauce for Spaghetti Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Servings: 4 Ingredients 800 g tomatoes (preferable ripe) New Milano pepperoni (1

Pepperoni stuffed meat loaf
Pepperoni stuffed Meat Loaf Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 45 minutes Servings: 8 Ingredients 910 g of ground beef New Milano pepperoni (1 stick)

Homemade Pizza
Homemade Pizza Classic homemade pizza recipe, including pizza dough and toppings, step-by-step instructions. Make perfect pizza at home with New Milano’s fresh pepperoni! Prep time: